Did you know that Southern California Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) requires an asbestos survey prior to the demolition or renovation of any structure regardless of the year built? The contractor selected to perform the work must send notification along with the asbestos survey report to SCAQMD at least 10 days prior to the start of work. The only instances when a contractor does not need to notify SCAQMD are for renovations with no asbestos, renovations with asbestos less than or equal to 1%, and when the amount of planned asbestos removal is less than 100 square feet. Although notification is not required for asbestos removal of less than 100 square feet, the work should still be performed by a certified asbestos abatement contractor in an effort to comply with the stipulations of Rule 1403. For more detail and to review frequently asked questions directed toward SCAQMD and asbestos removal, please visit the following link.
